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Let go of internalised ableism – stop playing the game

Stop playing the hypernormative social game. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others. This insight is very old. The 57th chapter of the Dao De Ching is a beautiful reminder of human scale limitations, an antidote to anthropocentric myths of superiority.

A state may be ruled by (measures of) correction;
weapons of war may be used with crafty dexterity;
(but) the kingdom is made one’s own (only) by freedom from action and purpose.

How do I know that it is so? By these facts:
In the kingdom the multiplication of prohibitive enactments increases the poverty of the people;
the more implements to add to their profit that the people have,
the greater disorder is there in the state and clan;
the more acts of crafty dexterity that men possess,

the more do strange contrivances appear;
the more display there is of legislation,

the more thieves and robbers there are. 

Therefore a sage has said,
‘I will do nothing (of purpose),

and the people will be transformed of themselves;
I will be fond of keeping still,

and the people will of themselves become correct.
I will take no trouble about it,

and the people will of themselves become rich;
I will manifest no ambition,

and the people will of themselves attain to the primitive simplicity.’

The fifty-seventh chapter of the Dao De Ching

Useful tools

Ecology of care – the journey towards a healthier relationship with the ecosystems which we are part of starts with the most powerful tool at our disposal, the introduction and consistent use of new language and new semantics.

Ecologies of care peer support – we are co-creating a comprehensive support model for Autists and otherwise neurodivergent and intersectionally marginalised people, informed by our collective lived experience, and by the results of our ongoing participatory research.

Evolutionary design allows organisations and people to participate in the evolution of a living system and to integrate their knowledge into a living system that includes humans, non-humans, and human designed systems. In evolutionary design the moniker of design is replaced by the concept of evolution. Cultural evolution entails not only the evolution of collaborative relationships and supporting tools within a group, but also the evolution of collaborative relationships between groups with many cultural commonalities and also between groups with few cultural commonalities.

Daoist philosophy – the writings of Zhuangzi can be understood as a survival tool that explores the social model of disability, providing a non-pathologising therapeutic framework for coping with the social pressure of living in the hypernormative state of (post) industrialised civilisation. Daoist philosophy encourages everyone to ask the questions that many Autists are asking themselves, and it does this in a humorous way that is largely lacking in Western philosophies, religions, and science, warning against the dangers of simplistic, dogmatic and ultimately incoherent social and bureaucratic rules that are impossible to apply and follow consistently. is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult. Most tools will use AI technologies in the back-end to achieve their goals. Currently this includes OpenAI’s models. As the tools and backend improve, the intent is to move to an open source alternative. The AI models used are general purpose models, and so the accuracy of their output can vary. Nothing returned by any of the tools should be taken as a statement of truth, only guesswork. Please use your own knowledge and experience to judge whether the result you get is valid. is a free online service to make it easier to organise your life across time zones, both at work and at home. The site also informs you about national holidays, locally relevant shifts to daylight saving time (DST) etc.

The limits of machine learning based human language processing

Such tools can help you to auto-tune your linguistic output to the Service Level Agreements® for specific social contexts within a Hypernormative™ society. A timely English commentary on Chat GPT and similar tools by Hans-Georg Moeller, a German philosopher who teaches in Hong Kong.

Your favourite tools

Aut Collab is an Autistic community initiative. If you would like to recommend further tools that you have found to be useful, please use the form below to contact our editorial team.

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